In recent times, I’ve become so conscious about my health and my weight.
The reason behind such thought is: lately, while I was tossing few clothes out of my wardrobe to get myself a suitable outfit, I realized that few of my clothes had already gone out of my size. Even the most caposhi jeans did not fit in.
We all know how difficult is to get back to our normal weights or for those who have excess body weight but not healthy, that is, people with obesity will have superfluous amount of fat in their body, but less energy.
The study says overweight or obesity may cause various diseases.
It is said, not just dieting can help in reducing weight, but also physical activity. Increase in weight is caused due to consuming excessive food energy, lack of physical activity and very rare cases of genes, medications.
Do you feel bad when someone points at you and calls you “FATTY”? Do you look at the mirror, wishing to be thin one day?
Here are some of the tips I have been trying lately and it really works.
1. Instead of buying those expensive weight-loss equipments that make you pay through your nose, you can exercise at home. I would suggest you to check out few videos in Youtube that help you teach few home workouts to make your body fit and healthy.
2. If you are overweight, it is a must to reduce your calorie intake. Not that you have to stop eating food, but quit eating those that fall under the “JUNK FOOD” category. Fat contains the most amounts of calories than any other food types and so it has to be chopped-down.
Avoid eating pizzas, chocolates, cakes, and sweets.
3. Though there are few people believing to reduce calories during fasting, the study says meal skipping can lead to poor health. For instance, if you skip breakfast and when you eat your next meal, you fetch up overeating, which obviously will not help in reducing your weight.
4. For those who are confined sitting in one position, starring at the flat screen and work round the clock, physical activities or walking would keep them fit.
5. It is suggested that drinking more amount of water before meal, can reduce more amount of calories.
6. One major thing which I always say to myself, “DO NOT BE LAZY”. Laziness often stops you from doing any activity.
7. Make a record of how many calories and weight you have lost in a week; this will interest you more to workout.
Lately, when I had been to one of my close friends’ house, I noticed a list of various workouts she had been trying and kilograms of weight that she had lost. While I asked about it to her, she said, “I am so determined to lose at least 10 kilograms in a month.” Now, that really inspired me.
Well, anyway, hope those few points helped you all.
Remember, “Eat well, but be conscious on what you eat”, “Sleep well but don’t get idle to activate yourself”.